Tag: Indian Banks

Promoters in Indian Banks- A quick look at Guidelines, Data and twists!

Promoters in Indian Banks- A quick look at Guidelines, Data and twists!

A quick look at RBI guidelines and some data on Promoter holding in Indian Banks. Rules are rules, but RBI knows there is a need for some pragmatism t [...]
Where is my ATM: A look at data on India’s ATM network

Where is my ATM: A look at data on India’s ATM network

India has lagged behind the world in increasing ATM network. While the network grew from 1 Lakh ATMs in 2012 to 2.35 Lakhs in 202, it was still low. B [...]
Banking Frauds in India: A look at Data and its revelations

Banking Frauds in India: A look at Data and its revelations

Frauds have been Bank's Achilles heel for time immemorial. FY20 saw a astonishing 160% rise in the reported frauds over previous year. This is despite [...]
Total Bank Assets and NPA -India

Total Bank Assets and NPA -India

In this data storyboard we take a quick look at Loans and Advances of Indian Banks and compare them to the growing Gross and Net Non-Performing Asset [...]
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