Category: Storyboards

1 2 10 / 18 POSTS
What is Tapering and Quantitative Easing?

What is Tapering and Quantitative Easing?

US Fed Reserve has recently indicated the need for 'Tapering' owing to inflationary pressure. Not long ago we were hearing 'Quantitative Easing'. We [...]
RBI accepts key recommendations of IWG

RBI accepts key recommendations of IWG

RBI has accepted 21 key recommendations given by Internal Working Group (IWG) in November 2020. This is a quick summary of most significant points [...]
Promoters in Indian Banks- A quick look at Guidelines, Data and twists!

Promoters in Indian Banks- A quick look at Guidelines, Data and twists!

A quick look at RBI guidelines and some data on Promoter holding in Indian Banks. Rules are rules, but RBI knows there is a need for some pragmatism t [...]
How much Cash is there in the economy? A Quick look at data from India and World

How much Cash is there in the economy? A Quick look at data from India and World

A quick look at data on Currency in circulation in India and the world. While the Currency in Circulation (CIC) as a % of GDP is a good indicator, it [...]
RBI Policy Announcement : 7 April 2021

RBI Policy Announcement : 7 April 2021

RBI released the policy stance based on on bimonthly Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decisions on 7th April, 2021. But beyond the policy rates and liq [...]
Lessons from Archegos Capital : Quick story

Lessons from Archegos Capital : Quick story

Archegos Capital (AC), a New York based family office, was in news recently for its inability to meet margin calls by lenders. Wall Street was jittery [...]
Where is my ATM: A look at data on India’s ATM network

Where is my ATM: A look at data on India’s ATM network

India has lagged behind the world in increasing ATM network. While the network grew from 1 Lakh ATMs in 2012 to 2.35 Lakhs in 202, it was still low. B [...]
Banking Frauds in India: A look at Data and its revelations

Banking Frauds in India: A look at Data and its revelations

Frauds have been Bank's Achilles heel for time immemorial. FY20 saw a astonishing 160% rise in the reported frauds over previous year. This is despite [...]
Global Central Bank Policy Rates

Global Central Bank Policy Rates

From - 0.75% (Switzerland) to almost Zero in most of Europe to around 4% in India, Central Banks in most economies remain accommodative. Although infl [...]
Fiscal Deficit and GDP: 10 year India and Global Comparative

Fiscal Deficit and GDP: 10 year India and Global Comparative

As Governments across the world grappled with COVID, the rules of the game had to change. The prudence of balancing incentives to revive GDP vs keepin [...]
1 2 10 / 18 POSTS