Category: Featured


1 2 10 / 13 POSTS
De-Dollarisation and its Impact on Indian Economy

De-Dollarisation and its Impact on Indian Economy

De-dollarization refers to the gradual shift away from the dominance of the U.S. dollar in international trade and finance. Many countries, including [...]
Bankers, Startups and the problem with Profit

Bankers, Startups and the problem with Profit

By definition startup is a disruptor. Unless the startup idea is demonstrated to be scalable, there is no fun and sustenance. So, while banks look for [...]
My hard lessons in change-Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast

My hard lessons in change-Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast

It seems obvious that any organisation will need to evolve in line with customer needs and competitive pressures. While ideas of change may be inspiri [...]
Super-Apps and Fintech

Super-Apps and Fintech

For an App to be a Super App, one needs a sizable community of users who frequently visit and use the app. This can then be leveraged to create an eco [...]
The Pandemic – Supply Chain disruptions and lessons for SCF practitioners

The Pandemic – Supply Chain disruptions and lessons for SCF practitioners

Pandemic has disrupted the Supply Chains. This brings both challenges and opportunities for industry as well as Supply Chain Finance practitioners inc [...]
RBI Guidelines on Regulation of Payment Aggregators and Payment Gateways

RBI Guidelines on Regulation of Payment Aggregators and Payment Gateways

With the Indian online payments market anticipated to reach $1 trillion by 2023 ,it is no surprise that the RBI has opted to act and chosen full and d [...]
Financialization of Housing in India – Boon or Bane?

Financialization of Housing in India – Boon or Bane?

India faces a peculiar situation where homes lie vacant and held as a form of speculation whilst housing is not available to the needy. Financialisati [...]
What is Tapering and Quantitative Easing?

What is Tapering and Quantitative Easing?

US Fed Reserve has recently indicated the need for 'Tapering' owing to inflationary pressure. Not long ago we were hearing 'Quantitative Easing'. We [...]
Banking on SPAM?

Banking on SPAM?

In a recent survey we found 86% of participants reported Banks and FIs to be the biggest spammers. With costs of communication coming close to zero, t [...]
Why cross-selling Third Party Products can be costly for banks!

Why cross-selling Third Party Products can be costly for banks!

The rationale for cross sell focus in banks is not difficult to understand. It creates win-win for all stake holders- Banks get additional income, Emp [...]
1 2 10 / 13 POSTS