Tag: NPA

Accelerating Financial Recovery: Leveraging ODR in the Banking Sector

Accelerating Financial Recovery: Leveraging ODR in the Banking Sector

By aligning Online Dispute Resolution processes with the principles outlined by the RBI, Banks and financial institutions can navigate disputes effici [...]
Banking Frauds in India: A look at Data and its revelations

Banking Frauds in India: A look at Data and its revelations

Frauds have been Bank's Achilles heel for time immemorial. FY20 saw a astonishing 160% rise in the reported frauds over previous year. This is despite [...]
BAD BANK: Is it the Joker in the pack?

BAD BANK: Is it the Joker in the pack?

GNPA of Indian Banks increased from ₹84K crs in 2010 to ₹8.99 Lakh Crs in 2020. RBI projects 13.5% stressed assets by Sept 2021 vs 7.5% in Sept 2020. [...]
Total Bank Assets and NPA -India

Total Bank Assets and NPA -India

In this data storyboard we take a quick look at Loans and Advances of Indian Banks and compare them to the growing Gross and Net Non-Performing Asset [...]
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