Tag: Startup

Crypto Revolution: Transforming India’s Financing Landscape for SMEs and Startups

Crypto Revolution: Transforming India’s Financing Landscape for SMEs and Startups

Despite India ranking third globally in unicorn valuations, the startup ecosystem faces challenges in securing sufficient funding for growth. Traditio [...]
Bankers, Startups and the problem with Profit

Bankers, Startups and the problem with Profit

By definition startup is a disruptor. Unless the startup idea is demonstrated to be scalable, there is no fun and sustenance. So, while banks look for [...]
7 Things I Have Learned From Startup Founders

7 Things I Have Learned From Startup Founders

In my day to day advisory interactions with new age businesses, including clients, acquaintances, referrals and friends, there is much I have learned. [...]
Building a Fintech? -8 Counter Questions to Avoid strategic Faux Pas

Building a Fintech? -8 Counter Questions to Avoid strategic Faux Pas

A workable Strategy for a Fintech requires a balance of creativity grounded in basics. I share a 3 line gist of some 8 long and interesting conversati [...]
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