Tag: Monetary Policy

Newsletter 11 Jun 22, Issue 20

Newsletter 11 Jun 22, Issue 20

FrankBanker Weekly Newsletter 11 June 2022- Your quick guide to happenings in the week [...]
What is Tapering and Quantitative Easing?

What is Tapering and Quantitative Easing?

US Fed Reserve has recently indicated the need for 'Tapering' owing to inflationary pressure. Not long ago we were hearing 'Quantitative Easing'. We [...]
RBI Policy Announcement : 7 April 2021

RBI Policy Announcement : 7 April 2021

RBI released the policy stance based on on bimonthly Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decisions on 7th April, 2021. But beyond the policy rates and liq [...]
Helicopter Money as a Monetary Policy tool : Benefit and Risks

Helicopter Money as a Monetary Policy tool : Benefit and Risks

Helicopter Money is a monetary policy concept proposed by economist Milton Freidman to overcome the liquidity and rate transmission challenges. Howeve [...]
Banks being viewed as a panacea for all ills?

Banks being viewed as a panacea for all ills?

While prompt Regulatory actions have tried to address liquidity and other issues of borrowers, there is heavy reliance on Banks to deliver. However, t [...]
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