7 things

7 Things I Have Learned From Startup Founders

Knowledge sharing has an amazing multiplier effect.

In my day to day advisory interactions with new age businesses, including clients, acquaintances, referrals and friends, there is much I have learned.

Hope the gist of these learnings will help refine your own thought process while building a startup

#1 Clarity of thought

#2 Talk to strangers

#3 Customer before technology

#4 Scale over profit

#5 Chemistry over Mathematics

#6 Ready to fail

#7 Beware of penalty line

Download the presentation for details on each

A caveat though: While there may be a pattern, I would be wary to generalise and say these 7 are THE ‘common traits’. Different founders have different approaches and thought process about how they build up their startups. Not everything fits in every context. So take your pick.

Download Presentation

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not reflect the views of FrankBanker.com.


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